NYC Girl About Town: Ladies Who Lunch–Unlimited Possibilities

3-1_Ladybugs_in_WonderlandSometimes, I get stuck on “Fear” street and can’t help but think that I’m alone. But on Sunday, I had the pleasure of spending an inspirational afternoon with Ladies Who Lunch, a networking event, of amazing women who shared their stories of successes, challenges and failures–is there even such a thing?! Okay maybe, that’s another post. Anywho, it felt very encouraging to talk with so many women struggling with life’s traditional route–graduate from college, get a good paying job with benefits, buy a house, get married,  have children, get the dog, blah, blah, blahlife is great, right?!

“Who are you?” “How will you impact the lives of others?” and “Faith and Fear cannot exist in the same room,” are some of the profound messages that empowered me to continue exploring my creative and fearless side. November 2012, I quit my job, had no other job, no real plan, not much of a saving— And that risk has made ALL the difference! Four months later, I have an amazing new lifestyle, I can work from anywhere, eat dinner with my family,mentor young women, and continue to passionately travel the world .  Life begins when you decide to Be Fearless. I get it…”Unlimited Possibilities”—Thank you ladies for the confirmation.

Thoughts?! Are you living or just existing? What mark would you like to leave on the world?

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